The Grass is Greener


City of Central Falls


Macomber Stadium has served generations of Central Falls High School athletes, but in 2017 the field was deemed unsafe due to contaminated soil. Surrounded by abandoned mills and impervious surfaces, storm water runoff issues in the area around the field were also impacting water quality in the nearby Blackstone River.


Multiple funding sources including a $6.7 million loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and a $800,000 grant from the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.


The Bank’s partnership with the City and the Narragansett Bay Commission created a state-of-the-art turf athletic field that captures stormwater, improving the water quality of the Blackstone River. The project intercepts an estimated 778,000 gallons of combined sewer overflow discharges, while also enhancing and creating recreational opportunities for Central Falls community members.