RFP - Rhode Island Statewide Coastal Resilience Plan
Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank (the Bank), in collaboration with Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM), is soliciting proposals for one or more qualified firm(s) to provide technical services for the development of a Statewide Coastal Resilience Plan for the State of Rhode Island, in accordance with Chapter 46-23.4 of the Rhode Island General Laws.
Executive Order 23-07 “Rhode Island Resilience 2023” established the Rhode Island Chief Resilience Officer at Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. The CRO coordinates resilience efforts across state agencies, municipalities, businesses, and other organizations and advises the RI Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (RIEC4), established pursuant to R.I. General Laws § 42-6.2-1, on the status and effectiveness of statewide resilience efforts. As a part of the position’s mandate, the CRO is tasked to deliver a report on the State of Resilience in Rhode Island (the State of Resilience Report) to the RIEC4, the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President of the Senate by December 31, 2024 and biennially thereafter. RIDEM and the CRO have convened statewide resilience workgroups, including the Resilience EC4 Subgroup (consisting of staff designees from each EC4 agency) and the RI Resilience Partner Group (consisting of statewide resilience subject matter experts, including non-profits & universities), to prepare this report, which will summarize current statewide resilience initiatives.
To view the full RFP for the Rhode Island Statewide Coastal Resilience Plan, please click here.
To view Amendment #1 of the RFP for the Rhode Island Statewide Coastal Resilience Plan, please click here.
To view the RFP Response to questions to the Rhode Island Statewide Coastal Resilience Plan, please click here.